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A four-month coaching program for those who want to learn how to live a more confident, joyous and conscious life.

Start Date: March 13th 2023

The Empowered Living Project: Welcome

Over the duration of this program, you will receive and implement life changing knowledge and skills to help you create and live your most empowered life.

Together we will be identifying & shifting the thoughts, feelings, habits & patterns that are keeping you stuck and feeling out of control.

In addition to this transformational wisdom, you will also join a supportive community and have access to one-on-one support & weekly resources to put your new knowledge into practice.

The Empowered Living Project: Text


---- Where was the class on Self Love and Confidence in high school?!?

That is exactly why I created The Empowered Living Project!

The goal of this program is to supply you with the wisdom & tools to handle the complexities of life with much more self-confidence, joy and ease.

This program is very special to me because it is a collection of all the major mindset, emotional & embodiment knowledge that has radically transformed my own life and the way I feel about myself.

My life and my clients’ lives are proof that this is possible for you too…and I can’t wait to watch you shine!

The Empowered Living Project: Text

As a Life Coach and Registered Nurse, with 10+ years’ experience in the healthcare/wellness space, I have noticed time and time again that even if the desire for things to be different is present, it is not enough to make lasting change.

However, what blocks most people from growth and achievement of their goals, is a lack of awareness and skills to shift how they feel about what is in their control to change and what is continuing to keep them stuck. 

What I’ve witnessed with my own clients is that once these skills are learned, practiced & embodied, the way they view themselves, their lives & their world shifts dramatically. They begin showing up in a way like never before. They cultivate more self-trust, elevate their confidence & believe they are worthy of what they desire. They step into their empowered selves. 

I know you’re ready for that or you wouldn’t have landed here on this page!

The Empowered Living Project: About Me


I contemplated some type of life coach for months. I hesitated based on this silly belief that it would be frivolous money spent. But something about Erica's page just spoke to me and I am SO glad I listened to my intuition!

The eight weeks I worked with Erica were LITERALLY life changing. I am in a whole new phase of life, self acceptance, self exploration, healing and empowerment. New job, new pup, breaking generational patterns and owning MY journey through this life.

I really cannot say enough good things. changed my life. It's been painful at times to work through the healing but I can say with COMPLETE sincerity that working with you has been one of the best decisions that I ever made for myself.

- T.B.

Before I Met Erica I was in a really dark place in my life. I had just recently got out of a toxic relationship, I had no confidence in myself, lacked the ability to create boundaries with people, & overall really didn’t care about myself or life in general.

Since beginning the coaching sessions, I genuinely feel like a whole new person. I have learned the reasons behind why I act or think a certain way. Then, how can I acknowledge that information but grow from it in a positive way.

By doing this I have been able to create a more positive well rounded perspective on myself/life and I was able to create healthier relationships with other people.

- M.N.

The Empowered Living Project: Text
The Empowered Living Project: Video


Lesson #1: Learning to Slow Down & Live Mindfully

Without bringing awareness to what is occurring within us we have no idea what behaviors and patterns are keeping us disempowered. By learning to slow down, you create enough space and observation to challenge and choose a more empowered decision for your life. Without this skill you will continue to repeat patterns, prolonging your suffering and attracting the same lessons. Slowing down can feel scary in a society that is always hustling, but it will feel like bliss when you learn to give yourself some grace.

Lesson #2: The Power of Your Thoughts

Our thoughts are extremely powerful. Not only do they affect the way we feel about ourselves, but they can be the major reason most feel stuck and unable to shift their life. You’ll be learning how to identify the thought patterns holding you back, in addition to how to create new ones. Thought work is one of the most powerful tools you can gain, and it will support you in confronting any situation for the rest of your life with the superpower of perspective.

Lesson #3: Dismantling Your Disempowering Belief Systems

Most people are walking around with belief systems about themselves, others and the world that either are not true or do not belong to them. We learn these beliefs early in childhood from our caregivers, society and educational systems. Things like how our bodies are supposed to look, what our value is, what is possible in love, are all shaped in ways you may not even be aware you are living from! You can imagine how outdated some of yours might be? Together we will strip away everyone else’s voices and get back in touch with your own. From there we will create and design beliefs that align with the life you desire. Belief work is essential to living out an empowered life. You have to believe it first in order for it to occur. 

Lesson #4: Feeling Your Emotions Like A Pro

Most people spend their lives completely disconnected from what they are feeling, unaware that they are prolonging their suffering by not allowing their emotions to shed light on where they might feel disempowered, unhappy and out of alignment. You may think you feel your feelings, but there are often things we don’t even realize we’ve been avoiding looking at buried in there. Excavating and understanding these stuck feelings will leave you feeling more free and open than you may ever have before. Come learn how to feel your emotions in a healthy way, release shame around them and allow them to guide you towards the emotional freedom you've been craving!

Lesson #5: Reparenting Your Inner Child

Identifying and reparenting our inner child allows us to give ourselves what we desire on a deep level, but never received as a child. If you’ve never heard of an “Inner Child” before, it is the part of you that has needs and desires that feel very intense because they may never have been met while in childhood. Learning this skill cultivates radical self-trust and creates an unshakable foundation within us. With this knowledge we learn to depend on ourselves and not reach outward for safety, comfort & validation, but rather we know how to hold ourselves powerfully. 

Lesson #6: Leaning into Fear & Embracing The Uncomfortable 

Fear can be one of the most debilitating emotions we process as humans. It shows up in ALL aspects of our lives and keeps us stuck, paralyzed and unable to leave our comfort zone. When you learn to process fear in a healthy way, you are able to try new things, challenge yourself and step outside of what you know in order to grow and evolve! Imagine having a relationship with fear where you felt safe to experience it and make empowered choices anyway…how might your life be different? Are there things you’ve been afraid to go after? This is where we learn to step toward what you want in life…even if it scares you!

#7 Learning to Love Boundaries

Boundaries are the gateway to healthy relationships with others and ourselves. However, most people struggle to place them. A lot of that has to do with the beliefs we have around boundaries, the uncomfortable feelings they invoke & a lack of communication skills. What most people don't know is that boundaries protect us from being drained emotionally, physically and spiritually. They also deepen our connections with others around us. Imagine how peaceful and at ease your life would feel if you learn to place boundaries with confidence and love. Have you been desiring to place boundaries but struggle? Do you overextend yourself and then feel resentful towards others/situations about it? Where in your life do boundaries need to be reinforced? This is where you learn that boundaries are an act of self love and a necessity to an empowered way of living and being.

#8 Taking Radical Responsibility in Your Life

Most of us are walking around with suitcases full of unprocessed memories, traumas & situations that effected us in a deep way. Some of it is ours, some of it has been placed onto us in unfair situations and some of it has been passed down from generations before us. Regardless of its origin, it is our responsibility to heal what is keeping us feeling disempowered and stuck. When we allow ourselves to stay in victim mode or continue to blame others for our pain, we strip away our power and control. Where in your life have you been blaming others or allowing victim mode to run the show? How might your life be different if you took radical responsibility for your healing instead? Just imagine how different you might feel if you switch the energy from others back onto yourself? With this skill set you will be alchemizing pain into power in the most challenging of situations! 

#9 Celebrating Your Growth & Looking to the Future

We are a goal driven society. We rarely stop to celebrate our goals before we are onto planning the next one. This stems from being indoctrinated into a hustle culture where we've been taught that our productivity is connected to our worth. 

At this point in our journey we will be reflecting back on all the progress you've made over the course of 4 months. We will celebrate all of the mindset shifts, realizations and empowered changes you've been making. In addition to a celebration, we will also dream about the next phase of our lives. What goals have you achieved and what do you have lined up? How do we want to continue to feel? What do we need to continue working on? And most importantly how to get you there!

The Empowered Living Project: Text


Bi-weekly Group Session via Zoom

We will meet twice a month via zoom as a group. During our calls I will be educating as well as inviting you to dive deeper into your own blocks through journal and embodiment work. We will also use this time to connect, share and support one another. Sharing is optional, IT WILL NOT BE MANDATORY. However high levels of healing occur in group settings. Being able to validate, witness & support one another will help you feel understood and heard while on your journey.  

** Sessions will be recorded on the chance that you need to miss one, but attending live is an important part of getting the most out of the program! **

Private 1:1 Sessions

Each member of The Empowered Living Project will receive 3 private calls with me throughout the program. During your private sessions, we will dive deeper into your own personal blocks, goals & belief systems. Each session will be an hour and must be used within 5 months of the start date. 

Group Messaging Support

All members of The Empowered Living Project will be added to a group chat via a messaging app. The messaging thread will be used to share, gain support or ask for clarity during our 4 months together. 

Additional Resources + Tools

After each session members will be sent resources, journal prompts and embodiment tools to implement the knowledge we covered that week. I have noticed that my clients get the best results when they are committed to doing work between our sessions together. Change takes repetition and consistency which is why it is important for this process to continue even outside our time together.

The Empowered Living Project: Text



**All options can be paid in full or on a monthly basis**


  • If you have access to financial security, own property, or have personal savings;

  • if you are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worrying about securing necessities in your life;

  • if you have economic privilege and power in our community, this price is for you.

By choosing this price, you are “paying it forward” and contributing to a more equitable world by supporting course access for those with less.


  • You may be paying off debt or working to build savings, but you also have access to steady income.

  • You do NOT spend most of your time thinking about meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, child care, etc.

  • Making this investment might mean you might have to cut back on some discretionary spending in your life (such as going out to dinner, buying coffee, buying a new outfit, or going on vacation), but the sacrifice is short-term, and will not harm you in the long term.


  • You have access to basic needs such as food, housing, and childcare, though sometimes it may feel difficult.

  • You are able to put away money each month to save up to be able to pay for the program, but the middle tier price would mean that you have to save for longer than 12 months.

The Empowered Living Project: FAQ



If you are someone who is looking to radically shift your thoughts, feelings, habits & patterns around….OR to feel more empowered, in charge and confident in your life - The Empowered Living Project is for you! This program is going to supply you with the knowledge, skill set and confidence to radically transform your life in a way that allows you to feel empowered and proud of who you are and what you are creating.


I offer flexible payment plans for all my coaching containers. You will have the option to pay in 3, 4 or 5 payments. Sliding scale is only offered for my private coaching containers and is open to a limited number of individuals with unique circumstances.


In the event that you are unable to make the live calls, a replay will be sent out the following day. However, I encourage all participants to show up live and engaged to get the best results out of our time together!


Generally speaking, no. This is an investment in yourself that should be taken seriously. However I have offered refunds on a case by case basis, and for unforeseen emergencies.


I have a lifelong commitment to education and accountability to both myself and my business to uphold spaces that are safe and comfortable for everyone.

The Empowered Living Project: FAQ


When I look back at the last several months, the entire process with Erica has been life changing. Not gonna lie, sometimes it’s hard to zoom in on specific changes, but when I’m face with real life situations -- and I’m thinking differently, processing it differently? And I’m curious about why is this feeling really coming up? That’s when I know my life has changed.

Since beginning this journey, I’ve learned so many different skills. I can visualize and talk to my inner child with gratitude and empathy. I can hold myself accountable but, also know when I need to be patient and loving with myself. I can more clearly understand where patterns and behaviors have stemmed from, so I can take a step back to create space for curiosity and growth around them. All of this has created a whole new relationship with myself.

- M.H.

Since beginning the coaching sessions, I genuinely feel like a whole new person. I have learned the reasons behind why I act or think a certain way. Then, how can I acknowledge that information but grow from it in a positive way.

By doing this I have been able to create a more positive well rounded perspective on myself/life and I was able to create healthier relationships with other people.

- M.N.

The Empowered Living Project: Text
The Empowered Living Project: Video


The Empowered Living Project: Text


March 20th 2023
7pm-8pm EST 
via Zoom

Come join me for an hour long workshop as we shed shame & judgement and learn to feel our feelings in a way that empowers and supports us.

The Empowered Living Project: Text


March 27th 2023
7pm - 8pm EST
via Zoom

Come join me in an hour long workshop, where youll learn to gain control over your mind and create thoughts that make you feel empowered, confident and lit TF up!

The Empowered Living Project: Text


I am a Life Coach for those eager to learn, willing to get vulnerable & ready to radically transform their lives. As a trauma informed and feminist leader, I guide my clients back to their personal power by identifying the mental and emotional blocks keeping them feeling stuck and out of control of their lives. 

I offer private and group coaching, as well as workshop events, circles, collaborations & FREE classes on self-development.

Sign up for my email list to hear about more events.

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